剑桥雅思18Test4Passage1阅读答案解析 Green roofs 绿色屋顶

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剑桥雅思18Test4Passage1阅读答案解析 Green roofs 绿色屋顶

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剑桥雅思18Test4Passage1阅读答案解析 Green roofs 绿色屋顶 剑桥雅思18阅读第四套题 […]

剑桥雅思18Test4Passage1阅读答案解析 Green roofs 绿色屋顶


剑桥雅思18Test4Passage1阅读原文翻译 Green roofs 绿色屋顶

剑桥雅思18 Test4 Passage1阅读答案解析



对应原文:段落D:For green roofs to become the norm for new developments, there needs to be support from public authorities and private investors.

答案解析:D段一开始提到,要使绿色屋顶成为新建筑的常态,需要得到公共当局和私人投资者的支持。随后又列举了诸多需要做的事情,比如培训相关人员,安装排水路径等。对应题干中的several challenges,因此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:段落C:Toronto, Canada, has policies dating from the 1990s, encouraging the development of urban farms on rooftops.

答案解析:C段中间提到,加拿大多伦多自上世纪90年代起就出台了鼓励在屋顶上发展城市农场的政策。其中Toronto对应题干中的city,urban farms on rooftops对应green roofs,encouraging对应promoted,1990s对应many years,由此确定C为正确答案。


对应原文:段落E:The success stories need to be studied and replicated elsewhere, to make green, blue, this article is from laokaoya webiste, brown and food-producing roofs the norm in cities around the world.

答案解析:E段最后一句提到,成功案例需要被研究并复制到其他地方,以使绿色、蓝色、棕色和生产食物的屋顶成为世界各地城市的常态。其中success stories对应examples,be studied and replicated对应model,由此确定E为正确答案。


对应原文:段落B:Ongoing research is showcasing how green roofs in cities can integrate with ‘living walls’: environmentally friendly walls …

答案解析:B段提到,不断进行的研究展示了城市中的绿色屋顶如何与环保墙壁相结合。其中living walls对应other green urban initiatives,integrate对应in combination with,由此确定B为正确答案。


对应原文:段落D:To convince investors and developers that installing green roofs is worthwhile, economic arguments are still the most important

答案解析:D段中间提到,为了说服投资者和开发商安装绿色屋顶是值得的,经济依据仍然至关重要。 其中convince对应persuasive argument,economic对应financial,由此确定D为正确答案。


对应原文:段落A:Among the benefits are saving on energy costs, mitigating the risk of floods, making habitats for urban wildlife

答案解析:根据floods定位到A段中的这句话。空前词reducing how much money对应saving … costs,由此锁定答案为energy。


对应原文:段落A:tackling air pollution and even growing food



对应原文:段落B:Doctors are increasingly prescribing time spent gardening outdoors for patients dealing with anxiety and depression.

答案解析:根据doctors与medical profession的对应定位到B段的这句话。空前词recommneds与presribe同意替换。从空后as an activity可以推测出答案应该是一种活动,因此锁定gardening。


对应原文:段落B:research has found that access to even the most basic green spaces can provide a better quality of life for dementia sufferers and help people avoid obesity.

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,根据green spaces定位到这句话。从题干可以推测出空上应该填某种身体问题,因此锁定obesity。


对应原文:段落C:it’s much easier to do this in newer buildings, which can typically hold greater weight, than to retro-fit old ones.

答案解析:C段提到,与老旧建筑相比,新建筑的一项优势在于能够承受更大的重量。C选项geater water-storage capacity对应greater weight,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:段落C:Having a stronger roof also makes it easier to grow a greater variety of plants, since the soil can be deeper.

答案解析:C段最后一句提到,拥有更坚固的屋顶还使得更容易种植更多种类的植物,因为土壤可以更深。D选项cultivate对应grow,more plant types对应a greater variety of plants,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:段落E:There are also combinations of green roofs with solar panels

答案解析:原文提到,还有的方案将绿色屋顶与太阳能电池板相结合。选项D中sustainable source对应solar panels,由此确定其为正确答案。


对应原文:段落E:‘brown roofs’ which are wilder in nature and maximise biodiversity.

答案解析:原文提到,棕色屋顶”则更加贴近自然,能够最大程度地增加生物多样性。A选项a wide range of species对应biodiversity,由此确定其为正确答案。

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